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时间:2023-01-22 06:59:01 浏览:

with so many problems unsettled 有这么多问题还没有被解决此处unsettled 是过去分词作补足语,表示“被动或完成”with so many problems to settle有这么多问题要解决此处to settle 是动词不定式作补足语,表“将要,以。

1“pending”的意思adj 未决定的行将发生的prep 在期间直到时为止在等待之际v 待定悬而不决pend的ing形式2“expired”的意思adj 过期的失效的v 期满失效人死亡。

settle a matter by leaving it unsettled 不了了之例句1In present circumstances, that would probably be accomplished by leaving the renminbi where it is在当前形势下,让人民币汇率原地踏步或许就能够达到这一目。

n 镦锻 缩锻 镦粗 倾复adj 令人心烦意乱的令人苦恼的v 打翻,弄翻 upset的现在分词 打乱 推翻 使苦恼例句I#39m a bit unsettled tonight This war thing#39s upsetting me 我。

unsettled好区分,是未确定的,是个被动式与上面两个的区别就是还没有被确定 rebutgainsay 和refute在当“反驳”用的时候没有区别但是rebutgainsay有否定否决的意思,counter不仅仅是语言上的反击,包括一切能够与。

耿耿于怀的意思形容令人牵挂或不愉快的事在心里难以排解出自诗经middot邶风middot柏舟ldquo耿耿不寐,如有隐忧rdquo英文解释 take sth to heartan uneasy heartan unsettled or disturbed mind。

突如其来突然发生或到来突如出乎意料突然来临成语拼音tū rú qí lái 成语出处周易 离“象曰‘突如其来如无所容地’”。


there are many 有很多 网络释义 1 有很多人参加例句1There are many upsides to calling yourself boss诚然,自己当老板有很多优势2There are many unsettled places in the world showing remarkable innovation。

n账,账目#160存款#160记述,报告#160理由#160vi解释#160导致#160报账#160vt认为#160把视作#160例句 1 This account has remained unsettled for a long time这笔账悬。


一意思n 问题难题习题 adj 成问题的难对付的 二读音英 #39pr#594bl#601m ,美 #39prɑ#720bl#601m三例句We had no time to deliberate on the problem我们没有时间仔细思考。


现代英汉词典 wanderer n漫游者流浪者 简明英汉词典 wanderer n流浪者, 徘徊者, 迷路的动物 wanderer wanderers Noun 1 someone who leads a wandering unsettled life synonym roamer, rover, bird of passage。

n 账,账目 存款 记述,报告 理由vi 解释 导致 报账vt 认为 把视作例句This account has remained unsettled for a long time这笔账悬了好久了其他 第三人称单数accounts。

派生词marvellously marvellousness 双语例句 1 It was a marvellous afternoon with a huge turnout of people那是个美妙的下午,出席人数众多来自柯林斯例句 2 Despite the unsettled weather, we had a marvellous。

2if the amount in question exceeds 100,000 yuan, with imprisonment of over three years butless than seven years, with a fine of over 100 percent but less than 500 percent of theunsettled amount accrue。

