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1、a wide range of knowledge =a wide knowledge的 这一点很确定的 求个采纳,谢谢了。

2、只有其后面带有of短语限制,表示“的知识”时,才可作可数名词用,且只作为单数,即a + 形容词 +knowledge表示一种特定的知识,这时其前可加不定冠词,如a wide knowledge of maths 广博的数学知识 其实。

3、2 表示某人对某一具体事物或具体学科的知识时,也是不可数名词,但可在其前使用不定冠词此时的不定冠词大致相当于 some如He has a wide knowledge of history 他有广泛的`历史知识We need a secretary with。


4、adj 广泛的,广阔的,睁得大的,渊博的,偏离目标的 adv 张的很大地,广阔地,没有完全获胜把握 例句The paper has a wide readership翻译该报拥有广泛的读者短语wide knowledge 渊博的知识 近义词 broad 英。

5、此外,二者都可以用于引申意义,wide表示“广泛的渊博的丰富的”等等如He has wide interest他有广泛的兴趣 He has a wide knowledge of French history他对法国历史有渊博的知识 An executive should have。

6、knowledge 是不可数名词,只能用表示单数的代词指代人称代词用 it 指代,指示代词用 that指代,不定代词可以用 one 指代例如He has a wide knowledge of natural history and it has been obtained from his practice。

7、with of 希望回答对您有所帮助,请及时采纳,多谢。

8、We have a beautiful sunbath这里的sunbath是日光浴的意思,以前有过这样的短语have a bath 是洗澡的意思,洗日光浴和那个道理一样。

9、高考题啊A是正解“a knowledge of”对有某种程度的了解 别的句子还有He has a wide knowledge of history 他的历史知识相当广泛You have a good knowledge of English 你的英语知识相当不错A。

10、Firstly, you have a wide knowledge, therefore we can learn a lot from your class And you are patient Even if we often ask various kinds of questions, you always answer them in a clear way Secondly。

11、当knowledge指一个人对某一具体事物或具体学科的知识时,可以与不定冠词a连用不管有无定语如He has an wide knowldge of history当knowledge泛泛地指知识的时候,它是个不可数名词,不能与不定冠词a连用 如Knowledg。


12、the sincere message is a road, with the fact that pioneer#39s step extends The sincere message is wisdom , seeks rope accumulation with having a wide knowledge of a scholar#39s The sincere message is。

13、一表达实意不同 1a knowledge of某一方面的知识例句As we know, mastering a knowledge of culture and science is most important to us正如我们所知,掌握文化和科学的知识对我们来说是非常重要的2the。

14、His studies covered a wide field他的知识渊博Person, place or thing having or containing much information 知识渊博的人知识宝库 Knowledgeable through having read extensively博学的通过广泛阅读而知识渊博的 having。

15、我的知识面很广,英语也相当不错,而且有较强的合作精神在学生时期我就是一名兼职记者I have wide range of knowledge, be good in English and teamwork oriented I was a parttime journalist when I was in。

16、他是一个广泛知识和经验的人他通过读书获得知识为你解答,如有帮助请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck。
