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self-knowledge是什么意思(applied selfknowledge什么意思)

时间:2023-01-22 17:34:27 浏览:

可解释为wisdom of knowing oneself,knowledge of oneself或者selfknowledge有自知之明可说have sense enough to know oneself或者know one#39s limitations没有自知之明则为lack selfknowledge。

成语性质偏正式作宾语含褒义 感情色彩褒义词 例句我还是有自知之明的,这事我干不了英文翻译1selfknowledge 2 to have a thorough knowledge of oneself to know one#39s limitations 望采纳。

释义 自知自己了解自己明看清事物的能力指了解自己的情况,对自己有正确的估计出处 老子第三十三章“知人者智也,自知者明也”反义词 不自量力自不量力 自知之明,就是对自己非常了解,了然于心有。

自知之明zì zhī zhī míngselfknowledge自知之明,自觉know one#39s limitations自知之明have a clear estimation of oneself自知之明know oneself自知之明know oneself well enough自知之明。

know their own strengths and weaknesses, and be aware of what they can do We regard people#39s selfknowledge as quotexpensivequot, so it is obvious how difficult it is to achieve quotselfknowledgequot Selfknow。

I have self-knowledge myself或I have my own self-knowledge注意“我自己”的翻译。


self-knowledge是什么意思(applied selfknowledge什么意思)

in your life will be with you as much as you are with yourselfWould you live with a stranger for so long without knowing anything about them?Essentially,it is about selfawarenessWho you are,what you。

knowledge 知识 n了解,理解 知识表示多方面的知识时有复数knowledges这一用法 学科 见闻答题不易答案满意采纳谢谢思密达 ps如有问题继续追问。

knowledge 英#712n#594l#618d#658美#712nɑl#618d#658n了解,理解 知识表示多方面的知识时有复数knowledges这一用法 学科 见闻以上结果来自金山词霸 例句1Do you。

What knowledge is most valuable, consistent answer is science 39知识从劳动中来,才能从斗争中来 From labor, knowledge can come from in the struggle 40自知之明是最难得的知识 Selfknowledge is the most rare。

太多了~多看点例句就知道具体的用法了~Knowledge of self increases as one gets older随着年岁的增长,人们的自我认识也不断加深其实也就是说~self后面加上一个形容词过去分词 可以变成自己怎么怎么意思~self的主。



self-knowledge是什么意思(applied selfknowledge什么意思)

First of all, be aware of their own, there is selfknowledge is a daunting taskSecondly, people always have some shortcomings and bad habits, and perseverance to overcome these people, and even worthy of。

还是自信I am confidentHe is confident可是不能说I am selfconfidentI have selfconfidence我想selfconfident更多的是用其名词形式,表达个人性格特点。
