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时间:2023-01-07 22:29:45 浏览:

spoil 英 sp#594#618l 美 sp#596#618lvt 溺爱糟蹋破坏掠夺 vi 掠夺变坏腐败 n 次品奖品 很多美剧里可以看到Spoiled, 就是被宠坏的,或者养尊处优不晓得生活的辛苦只要用手指指指;In fact,we are not as lonely as everyone imagined fragile,Xi Nu volatile,personality lazy,lazy personality,extravagance and wasteWe need understanding rather than ridicule,we are not spoiled generation!这个很形象。


雨水让我们的野餐计划泡汤了The rain put paid to our plan of having a picnic万一下雨,我们的计划就泡汤了If it should rain, our plan would be spoiled所以可以翻译成 the plan is spoiled;spoil 是动词,用来形容小孩被宠坏应该用过去分词作形容词spoiled a spoiled child of fortune 一个被宠坏的,幸运的孩子;他给好东西宠坏了treats 是好东西的意思特别常用来指好吃的食品,等等;spoiled做形容词时有“腐败的,变质的”的意思 spoiled英 sp#596#618ld 美 sp#596#618ldadj被宠坏的v破坏 损坏 变质 spoil的过去式和过去分词 毁掉例句They were acting like a;But the teacher cried The sixyearold John was terribly spoiled His father knew it,but his grandma doted on himHe hardly left her sideAnd when he wanted anything,he either cried or threw a temper t。

1 One stone, 2 birds 2 Pampered, spoiled 3 Raining cats and dogs 4Don#39t count your letter before they are arrived 5 Dash 6 Ability to swim 7Concentrate on 8Alternating the values of;在Linda生病的那6个月里,她非Linda一直奔波在两个家之间,并且一直被希望她高兴些的善良的人们激励着将passed from family to family during Linda#39s sixmonth illness暂时抹去,全句就是had been spoiled by;There was a pair of lovers being sweat in the park The wife played with her husband and said,quoti got toothachequot The husband quickly kissed his wife and asked,quotstill feeling hurt?quot Then his wife became;abide 居住 abode, abided abode, abided alight 下车 alighted, alit alighted, alit awake 唤醒 awoke awoke, awaked be 是 was, were been bear 忍受 bore borne, born beat 击打 beat beaten become 变成 became;spoilt 和 spoiled 都是 spoil 的过去分词,两种都对1 英语中有些动词有两种过去分词,如learn learnt,learned 学习 burn burnt,burned 燃烧 bereave bereft bereaved 剥夺,blend blent,blended;spoilt, spoiled spread 散布 spread spread spring 弹跳 sprang, sprung sprung stand 站立 stood stood stave 凿孔 staved, stove staved, stove steal 偷窃 stole stolen stick 粘贴 stuck stuck sting 刺激 stung stung stink 发臭 st。

撒娇的英文翻译是coquetry,是可数名词,只能作为名词使用,词汇分析coquetry 英 #712k#594k#618tri 美 #712ko#650k#618trin卖弄风情,卖俏,媚态 相关短语Like Coquetry 喜欢撒娇 France;by,就是通过的方式来达到的要求,而另一个是prevent the decline in efficiency,什么样的decline in efficiency,就是that 后面那个,quotspoiled the fortunes of family firmsquot 它后面那些都是副词,告诉你在什么;看语境翻译参考翻译如下你大有选择的余地你会眼花缭乱,不知道选哪个好的你可以任意选择挑选种类品类物品繁多,任君选择等等就看你这句话的上下文语境如何咯。

