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时间:2022-12-30 01:29:42 浏览:

soil作“某种土壤”解时是可数名词soil主要用作及物动词,作“使弄脏”解,接名词代词作宾语偶尔可用作不及物动词,这时主动形式含有被动意义soil的过去分词soiled常用作形容词作定语相关词组conserve the soil。



根据音标的性质s 发s, o发#596, i 发 i , l 发 l, ed发d或t 其音标为s#596ild或s#596ilt 我学过音标,应该是这样的吧。

温床 粪尿,肥料vt弄脏,污辱 给上粪施肥 被弄脏,变脏 用青草饲料喂养牲口vi变脏受污染或玷污的 变脏第三人称单数soils过去分词soiled复数soils现在进行时soiling过去式soiled。

1boil 后面说道“animal fats in waterquot脂肪在水里所以自然联想想到在水里煮脂肪了 2this cleanning XXX 意思是做清洁用的某种东西应该在AC里面选具体我也不清楚这两个的区别感觉是“element”,元素。

If a shipshape ship shop stocks six shipshape shopsoiled ships, how many shipshape shopsoiled ships would six shipshape ship shops stock? Note 1 shipshape井井有条的 2 stock备有供应 3 shopsoiled在商店放。


If a shipshape ship shop stocks six shipshape shopsoiled ships, how many shipshape shopsoiled ships would six shipshape ship shops stock?Note1 shipshape井井有条的2 stock备有供应3 shopsoiled在商店放旧了的。

Unlike somebody#39s dirty, soiled, little maxedout messOkay, whatever can get maxedout can be maxed back inThe guy gave me 100% moneyback guaranteeSo all I have to do is take all this stuff back to the。

soiled, shaded but the knife will cut the same skin now i still grasp my heart i can#39t graze the sadness surface i#39m so tired Nothingface i tried to feel it guilt wouldn#39t come to me blood soiled。

If a shipshape ship shop stocks six shipshape shopsoiled ships, how many shipshape shopsoiled ships would six shipshape ship shops stock?Note1 shipshape井井有条的 2 stock备有供应 3 shopsoiled。

医院废物医院废物产生诊断,治疗 还是人类或动物防疫还是在这些领域的研究活动,或在生产或测试 生物 这可能包括像尖利废物,粪便垃圾耗材解剖废料文化废弃的药品化学废料 等等,这些都是形式一次性注射器粪便绷带。

8沾染 contaminatebe soiled with grease,etc飞毛遍绿野,洒血渍芳丛杜淹咏寒食斗鸡应秦王教9又如渍污污染10染病 catcha disease以视孤寡老弱之渍病,穷困颜色愁悴不赡者,心身自。

shop 一般指shop #643#596p n 商店店铺 vt 购物 vi 购物买东西 过去式shopped 过去分词shopped 现在分词shopping FCpn商店, 店铺 vi买东西, 购货 shop FCpn英商店, 店铺。


If a shipshape ship shop stocks six shipshape shopsoiled ships, how many shipshape shopsoiled ships would six shipshape ship shops stock? Irish wristwatch Is there a pleasant peasant present? Is this your sister#39s。

