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但这种意义还不一定符合说话者的原意注释后的声音信息还需听者进一步地加工以达到领会说话人的意图和目的During the process of listening training, the sound waves come from the speaker will afference to the brain。

To examine a witness, for example by questioning interrogate审问通过提问检查如证词审问 To express doubt about dispute对表示怀疑争论 To analyze examine分析检查 vintr不及物动词To。

Wants to solve the case, grasps the massive detection knowledge is thepremise, but merely has grasped the detection knowledge also by farinsufficiently, most more importantly you must be able to be nimble,skille。

The foundation of knowledge must be laid by reading General principles must come from books, which, however, must be brought to the test of real lifeSamuel Johnson, British writer读书是积累知识的基础基本原理来源于。

knowledge #39n#596lid#658n知识,学识,学问 知道,知晓见闻 了解理解识别 消息 熟知,熟悉 理解范围 哲学认识 古语学科 短语bring to someone#39s knowledge 让某人知道,告诉某人 come to someone#39。

在此期间,老师监视器什么样的书读,帮助他们选择,并落实个人采访的学习者,刚完成一个书通常是找出他们的回应在一个完美的世界,去发现他们是否已经事实上读它学生和老师纪录称号,阅读的日期形成一个类库 这种操作。


Imagination is more important than knowledge Knowledge is limited Imagination encircles the world When you reflect on how far we humans have come from the prehistoric caves to mindblowing technological advancements, you。

我现在需要一篇语言学的论文,中文可以,题目是morphologicalknowledgeandlanguagelearning就是关于形态法的知识,格式要求摘要,关键词,引言,正文,总结,参考文献急需,今晚就 我现在需要一篇语言学的论文,中文可以,题目是morphological。

My knowledge and ability will not let you down, will be worthy of your choice I decided to come to regret the youth among you, to achieve common glory I have some experience of foreign trade work, ERP management。

Although this trip to the ancient city is over, my questioning of history is far from over, and the real history is still going on 周村大街导游词英语2 Zhoucun District is an important commercial town in northern。

你认为好的团队应该具备什么? The meaning behind the question 问题背后的意义 Teamwork is essential in almost any work environment Questioning your ability to work in a team is therefore one of an interviewer’s favourite。

in the knowledge that 在知识,双语对照 例句1Of course, those examples are cherrypicked, in the knowledge that bear markets didcome to an end当然,这些例子精挑细选出来的,已经知道最后确实是渡过了熊市。


全文意思是然而,管理培训和知识真的来了,在未来两年斯莱特吃力教育胚胎纺织工业和经证明如此贝尔珀成功技术的商人到它自己 came into its own 意思是是来到自己的。
