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时间:2023-05-08 17:28:25 浏览:

1、She told Parliament she had no knowledge of the affair她告诉议会她对此事并不知情2 PHRASE 据所知 If you say that something is true to yourknowledge or to the best of your knowledge, you mean that。

2、1She told Parliament she had no knowledge of the affair她告诉议会她对此事并不知情2Alec never carried a gun to my knowledge 据我所知亚历克从来不带枪3You can let your kids play here, safe in。

3、1知识,学识,学问US+ofA little knowledge is a dangerous thing一知半解是很危险的事2知道,了解消息UMy knowledge of Mr Read is not very great我对理德先生的了解不是很多3认识U。

4、造句1She told Parliament she had no knowledge of the affair她告诉议会她对此事并不知情2To the best of my knowledge, Gloria did not make these comments据我所知,格洛丽亚没这么说过短语1 safe。

5、He did not get a chance to deepen his knowledge of Poland他没有机会更深入地了解波兰To the young boy his father was the fount of all knowledge对于这个小男孩儿来说,他的父亲就是所有知识的源泉。

6、造句Let us review the facts让我们回顾一下事实 2active 活跃的 He is very 一整晚的 He studied 了解,理解知识 we should study knowledge very hard望采纳。

7、a good knowledge of造句 他不是很通晓中文用a good knowledge of造句He hasn’t got a good knowledge of Chinese yet。

8、Do you have the ability to finish the task?This bridge connects these two townsEvery day he reviews his lessons at homeShe is an active and kind girlTom stayed overnight yesterdayShe has knowledge。


9、格物致知造句写一句话简单的 1G点的声音在刘明耳畔响起,刘明打开格物致知模式观察自己 2儒家与道家在这第二步也是相同,儒家更进一步的典籍大多都是写人情道理教人格物致知,道家的诸多道经也都描述他们认识。

10、她卧病在床,什么事都需要人伺候作原因状语Having only book knowledge = If you only have book knowledge,you will not be able to work well如果只有书本知识,你就不可能做好工作作条件状语。

11、一点点造句子简单常用的 1他只学到一点点粗浅的拳术,就自以为了不起了 2你的工作量仅仅多了一点点,何必这样喊冤叫屈呢? 3芦荟的叶子是长长的,摸上去厚厚的,叶子的两侧有有小刺,叶面上还有一点点白色的。


13、Happiness is like drinking water, cold and warm selfknowledge, the feeling of happiness needs your own careful experience May you cherish the happiness around you and have a good life! 刮起一阵风,有时候整个世界都。


15、I will use a computer, but at the mention of the computer repair, I had no knowledge ofI think I should point out how dangerous it isI hate you always tell me what to doI assure you my story。

16、举例造句 学无止境,你不能太骄傲拼音代码 xwzj 近义词 学海无涯 反义词 不学无术 用法 作宾语定语用于劝诫人 英文 Knowledge is infinite2勇往直前 拼音 yǒ。

17、什么呢造句子简单常用的 1世事不过一场逗梦,何须刻意强求什么呢? 2为什么,是啊,为什么呢?我也是只知其一,不知其二 3痛苦是一个健全人的痛苦某种意义上也是一种幸福!为什么呢?因为你痛苦,就说明你对生活还抱。

18、成语 炙手可热 拼音 zhì shǒu kě rè 解释 手摸上去感到热得烫人比喻权势大,气焰盛,使人不敢接近 出处 唐·杜甫丽人行“炙手可热势绝伦,慎莫近前丞相嗔”。

