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时间:2023-01-26 17:28:59 浏览:

Since money was tight, we settled for a short trip to the south既然钱紧了一点,我们退而求其次,来一趟短期的南部之旅你说的那个意思是当settled做形容词时的意思,动词加上ed就可以当形容词;1 货代是在告诉你,是否已经去结清本地的相关操作费2 一般所谓LOCAL CHARGE指的是1 拼箱货CFSLCL订舱费海运费仓库报关费文件费或提单电放费等2 集装箱CYFCL订舱费海。

回答解决的意思,一般是指解决问题这个用的比较多还有个意思,是定居在某地定居;定fixed, definite, stable, settled, calm 安定stable, settled, calm, stabilized, quiet 平level, flat, average, peaceful, calm, common 从容不迫 calm, unruffled 自若 composed, calm 泰然 calm, selfcomposed 坦。

1 to put an end to an argument or a disagreement 结束争论争端等解决分歧纠纷等2 to decide or arrange sth finally 最终决定,确定,安排好 3 to make a place your permanent home 定居;settle in和settle down的区别意思不同用法不同侧重点不同 一意思不同 1settle in意思安顿 适应 2settle down意思安下心来 定居 二用法不同 1settle in用法可指“安放”“安置”“安家”。


意思是搞掂了,安排妥了;fixed和settled有一层相近的意思,表示某某事情办妥了,某某问题解决了 当然fixed 还表示某东西被固定好了 settled还表示人的生活或工作稳定下来了 constant 有一层意思是持续的 stationary 好像是表示静止的意思,就是物理学上。


settled in表示定居,安静下来,如They finally settled in south America 他们最后再南美定居settled down表示坐下来,定居下来,安顿下来,如She settled down to read her book她。


settle英音#39setl美音#39s#603t!以下结果由译典通提供词典解释 settle1 及物动词 vt1安放安顿安排料理OHe settled his child in a corner of the compartment他把孩子安顿在车厢的一个角落里2。

There are upheavals aplenty to come before the world has a settled geopolitical landscape不过,随着尘埃落定,我们还是看到了一些赢家As the dust settled, however, there were some winners显然,ipad商标权之争在。

意思是就那么定了,那已经解决了 settle英#712setl 美#712s#603tl vt解决安排使定居使沉淀 vi下沉定居 希望能帮到你。

be settled in 安顿,适应 如Soon the two boys were settled in their compartment不久,两个男孩子就在车厢里坐好了;不是被动,这里的settled是形容词 稳定的 settled 做形容词有两个意思一个就是稳定的,不大可能变动 如a settled way of life 安定的生活方式 还有一个意思是舒适自在的,习惯的 如 You will feel more set。

be settled in 释义 安顿,适应例句By now you must be well settled in Elmhurst and, being you, you must have made many friends already现在你大概已在艾姆赫斯特安顿下来了,根据你的性格,你肯定已交;澳大利亚应该是外来民族定居的地方,而不是通过协约或占领获得的。

