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时间:2023-03-27 15:43:32 浏览:

1、2 草垫一种窄的硬床或装满草的垫子 A narrow, hard bed or strawfilled mattress3 草垫的缓冲作用减弱了他下跌的力量The force of his fall was broken by the straw mats。

2、你好natural sleep mattress翻译成中文是自然睡眠床垫希望帮到你,满意请采纳。

3、He’s the best player in the game,it’s just that simple,theirs nothing that Kobe can’t do,he will defend your best player,he will shoot from the perimeter,he will get all in your mug,he will do。

4、I have in mind is the term of the Expo Expo surrounded by green everywhere planted lush trees and fragrant flowers overflowing, filled with vitality and hope It should be Yan Yan, the green grass, fresh。



6、n开司米,山羊绒 开士米羊毛织品双语例句 1 A big soft cashmere sweater 宽松柔软的开司米羊毛衫 2 Last year, he introduced the madetoorder beyond luxury sublime mattress, which is filled with cashmere。

7、快我要短语,不要句子,最好还能有中文 快我要短语,不要句子,最好还能有中文 展开 6个回答 #热议# 晚舟必归是李白的诗吗? andylau0530 20090323 · TA获得超过745个赞 知道小有建树答主 回答量264 采纳。

8、例证A pallet is a narrow mattress filled with straw which is put on the floor for someone to sleep on 草垫子是一种狭窄的床垫,铺着干草放在地上,人可以躺在上面睡觉2pallets 硬板小床 例证He was。


10、也把他的床垫用酒精给消毒了 He also used alcohol to disinfect his mattress後来在午觉时间结束时,又发现有别的孩子也尿床了 At the end of a later time, and found that there were other children enuresis 於是。

11、parts of sufferers can smell and wet Luo#39s sound or have a lung department to actually change the body advertise for etc 我在网上找的我也看不懂 ,这是中文甲型h1n1流感 swine in-fluenza是甲型a型。

12、个人觉得,开机按DEL进入bios 选择进入Advanced高级CPU Configuration处理器设置 找到Intel Virtualization Technology英特尔虚拟化技术 选项,设置为Enabled开启,再F10保存退出即可,开机按DEL进入bios 选择进入Advanced高级CPU。

13、The Lord wants you to spread horse crap all over your mattress? It#39s not our place to question His will 你到底在干嘛,John? 这是上帝的意旨 上帝要你把床上洒满马粪? 我们没有权力过问他的意旨。

14、quot A group of officers and men from running, moved to the implementation of the rescue work The little girl#39s face suddenly filled with joy, Jiao Zhe shouted quotCome and save me!quot Officers and men of。


15、“You can sleep on my straw mattress , then,” said Daisy “ I’ll have the bed”“Oh, all right”said Princess PipThat evening there was a banquet and it went on for hours“More sprouts?”。
