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时间:2023-04-10 00:58:24 浏览:

1、ledge 英led#658 美l#603d#658 复数ledges n1墙壁, 悬崖等突出的狭长部分 2平窄的壁架,横档尤指窗台 名词 n1墙壁, 悬崖等突出的狭长部分 The climbers rested on a;Warden Samuel Norton The roof of the licenseplate factory needs resurfacing I need a dozen volunteers for a week#39s work As you know, special detail carries with it special privledgesRed narrating;first of all,i m a university student inuni and i m in the second year in major of,when it refers to my major,to be frank,your majoris qiute amazing subject which is full of kownledges;The birds, especially, show their appreciation for this rare glimmer of December sunshine A rubycrowned kinglet has been flitting under the eaves and window ledges of our house, hunting for tiny spiders;Su Meiyu is the world#39s largest coral reef fish, adult bartonella iron blue and long outstanding lips Napoleon wrasse fish mainly from southeast asia, coral reefs in the western Pacific and the Indian ocean;原文你读懂了吧ledge 在材料学里翻译作“台阶”即是连结两个平面的中间面;它可以尖叫,可以波纹管,它可以耳语,可以唱催眠曲它可以通过轰鸣光秃秃的橡树,喊了山坡,它可以杂音在白色的松树扎根在花岗岩ledges地衣使得奇怪的象形文字它可以哨声从烟囱下来,并设置炉膛火焰跳舞在晴天可以暂停庇护。

2、I feel very happy Not only I can see so many foreigners come to China, but also I can learn more know ledges about the Asian Games And it is a great chance for me to communicate with foreigners;1 they took a boat to the south to ji#39e mountain, and then hiked up along the circling stone ledges They saw that the 19th River peak was lined with a few seats, the top of the mountain was covered with;filmThe film not only intersting,but also give me a lot of konwledgesAt the same time, I want to introduce it to you,the film#39s name is Night at the Museum 2 Battle of the Smithsonian;Doves and pigeons build relatively flimsy nests from sticks and other debris, which may be placed in trees, on ledges, or on the ground, depending on species They lay one or two eggs, and both parents care for。


3、离合器压紧弹簧如果压紧弹簧过热,漆料将被烧掉或弹簧变成蓝色quotLedges of cliff and winding trails lead to blue sky ,And a flush of cloud in the morning sunquot回崖沓障凌苍苍,翠影红霞映朝日 相似短语 in blue;1The Star 星星by Jane Taylor, 178318241Twinkle, twinkle, little star! 闪耀,闪耀,小星星How I wonder what you are, 我想知道你身形,Up above the world so high, 高高挂在天空中,Like a diamond;5Yes, very much 是的,很喜欢6Not really不太喜欢7I like watching it我喜欢看游泳比赛8Who#39s playing? 参加比赛的是哪个队9Who are you cheering for? 你支持哪个队?10Who do you。

4、按你的要求翻译address No 2 Jianshe Road, Qingshan district, Wuhan Job ObjectiveIn searching for a position that will allow me to apply my knowledge of CAD appication in 2D or architecture graphic。


5、#x2022 dusting of chairs, table legs and base, marble counters, walls and baseboards, wall lamps, window ledges and wooden blinds 清洁椅子桌子腿墙壁踢脚线壁灯窗台和窗帘 #x2022 vacuuming of carpet and spotting wh。
