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时间:2023-01-15 04:24:28 浏览:

1、8He made model toys ___old televisions and Binto Cout of Dby 答C 译他用旧的电视机和收音机做成了模型玩具析make A out of B 是以B为原材料,做A其中只有物理变。

2、这句话的意思是我们学校周围的老房子要拆掉了,随之而来的是一大片新的绿地A出现,就是进入人们的视线C出现,指的是种子发芽,花朵开花,是这样出现的 绿地是人工建的,直接把草皮弄上去的,所以不是等草自己长出来慢慢变。

3、选B 空前面说他们把旅馆拆了,后面又说有足够的空间干啥了,so that是“以便于”的意思,所以选B。

4、1Have the flowers being watered by him?2The house is going to be pulled down by is bound to be found by names will have to be written clearly by second item on。

5、答案B 分析句子结构可知,主语为 eitheror连接两个并列主语,谓语需遵循quot就近原则quot即he为句子主语,所以用单数类似的如not onlybut alsoneithernorthere be等根据句意说的现在的一种情况,故用现在。

6、D had been built is going to be pulled down 9 You can’t leave now There are still twenty more trees 2002河北 A to plant B being planted C plant D to be planted 10 –Where’s yo。

7、2 Is the house going to be pulled down by them?3 It is bound to be found out by them4 The names will have to be written out clearly by you5 The second item on the agenda should be dealt。

8、C 考查形容词辨析难度中等解题思路句意为这些建筑是否要推倒仍然有争议,人们仍然在寻找其它可能的解决方法C项意为“有争议的”,符合句意A项意为“不改变的”,B项意为“相关的”,D项意为“矛盾的。


9、However, several days ago, there was news that our courtyard house will be pulled down to make room for highrise office buildings I have become depressed I know in the course of urban development, we。

10、解答如下学好英语的方法 1要想学好英语首先就要煅炼好自己的听力环境 很重要,在平时选择多听,多看,比如多看些英语电影,多听些英语听力,提高听力2其次是要培养自己的语感这就要求我们平时结合在听的基础上。

11、1Is the flowers being watered by him?2Are the house going to be pulled down by them ?3It is bound to be found out by them4The names have to be written clearly by you5The second item on the。

12、你好这栋房子将要拆掉如若去掉being,is pulled down 表示正在拆掉,不表示将来,不能体现句子意思不能去掉整句的意思是为了给新高速腾地方,be +doing表示计划好将来做某事在这里 仅代表个人观点,不喜勿喷,谢谢。


13、我深陷退浪即将离你而去,即将离你而去,Holding too tightly afraid to lose control 我用力抓住你的手,我担心失控失去你的爱,Cause everything that you thought I would be has fallen apart right in。

14、2 cut down Half of the forest was cut down to make room for the road 砍倒 They have to cut down the office staff 缩减,缩短 3 pull down The old houses should be pulled down as soon as possible。

15、原题翻译 我猜测当我十年后回来的时候,所有的这些旧楼都已经被推倒了分析 1 将来某事某事已经完成,典型的将来完成时结构 2 主句中的主语是old houses, 是无生命的物体,只有在被动状态下才能和动词“推倒”合理组合。

16、1 he put down the curtain to block the out srong light2 I pulled suddenly and the door opened3 We must cheer up, though we lost the hosting right4 Now that you#39ve come, just settle down。

17、By the time you get there the meeting will be over等你到了那里的时候,会议就该结束了It was all over in a matter of minutes几分钟就全部结束了There are other factors over and above those we have。
