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时间:2023-03-20 17:43:01 浏览:

1、英文翻译Make sb puzzled 重点词汇释义puzzled 英#39p#652zld 美#39p#652z#601ldadj 困惑的,糊涂的,茫然的v puzzle的过去式 使迷惑,使难解n 谜,难题例句Critics remain;你好迷茫在英语和汉语中只有形容词和副词两种词性,无名词词性相关如下迷茫at sea=at the sea在大海上, 迷茫, 弄错 advat a loss,困惑,茫然不知所措advpuzzled困惑的adjconfused 困惑的,烦恼的adj;1 When I was about to enter the Supermarket, a dressily women called my name2 Whenever I was in trouble, he always helped me without hasitation3 The pussied look on your face tells me that;vt使迷惑,使难解vt vi为难,伤脑筋n难题 智力测验,智力玩具 令人费解的事人 谜一般的事物第三人称单数puzzles 复数puzzles 现在分词puzzling 过去式puzzled 过去分词puzzled 形近词Puzzle;The poem shows a father as a farmer with a strong body, arms and legs as well as love in an ordinary farmer family It represents the deep feelings between the poet and his father At the beginning of;填that语法上没有错,意思上错了,所以这里只能填whypuzzled 是“困惑的迷惑的”的意思困惑就是不知道原因,所以要填why。

2、When you were puzzled, sad, it will avoid death or the time May have thought ordeal has just begun跟汉语相对,汉语是什么,单词就是什么;晚上七点钟左右我从朋友家出来,对我来说吃晚饭还太早了于是我在海边逛了一个小时,这才开始感觉饿了我刚好走到了一家我很喜欢的餐馆附近,那家我经常去我走进餐馆,点了菜等着上汤的时候,我环顾参观四周;Confusing 读法 英 k#601n#712fjuz#618#331 美 k#601n#712fjuz#618#331adj混乱的混淆的令人困惑的 v使困窘,使混乱不清confuse的现在分词短语Confusing things 迷惑不解;puzzle英 #39p#652zl美 #39p#652zln难题谜迷惑拼图游戏 vt使为难使困惑 vi苦思迷惑 puzzle用作名词 Will you help me to solve this puzzle?你能帮助我解决这个难题吗?He sat frown;puzzle KK DJ vt1 使迷惑使为难,使窘困HWhat puzzles me is why they didn#39t show up令我百思不解的是他们为什么没有出现He looked a little puzzled他看上去有点困惑His recent behavior。


3、1Excuse me, officer, could you piease tell me how can i get to the bank?2Continue to walk two blocks to the is lost, frightened very is still puzzled about how to get to;quot be puzzled about sth quot 的意思是对某事感到困惑,也可以翻译成冥思苦想某事希望回答能够对您有所帮助^_^;puzzled 英#712p#652zld美#712p#652z#601ldadj困惑的,糊涂的,茫然的v puzzle的过去式使迷惑,使难解n谜,难题。

4、puzzle v1使迷惑,使为难His recent behavior puzzles me他最近的行为使我迷惑不解I#39m puzzled about the situation我对形势感到迷惑不解2使苦思I#39ve been puzzling my head over this pro;Happy is he who dedicates his life to the wellbeing of mankind献身于为人类造福的人是幸福的其中who dedicates his life to the wellbeing of mankind是he的定语倒装的原因当主语补语前置时,如果主语较;他摇了摇头我困惑了如果我没看到它就离开这儿,肯定每个人都会笑我的。

